Monday, January 19, 2009

Changes for the New Year - New Phone Number, Website, etc.

Happy New Year! Has it been cold enough for you yet? Are you still having fun shoveling the snow? The good news is that the cold snap it over and the rest of the winter should feel pretty darn warm in comparison. How did your pond/water feature do during the extreme cold? How many of you had your waterfall and or stream running throughout that time? We would like to hear your stories or see some pictures if you have them. Did you have any trouble keeping the stream running? What sort of techniques did you initiate to keep the water flowing back into the pond? If you pond has frozen over and you have fish under the ice, you will want to get an opening in the ice ASAP! Be sure not to bang or pound on the ice. Your fish will be very thankful.

We are excited to tell you that with the new year, changes are on the way.
Effective immediately, we have a new cell phone number is:
608-359-9824 - Cell

Additionally, we are in the process of developing a new website (! The address is the same, but the site itself will be updated. Be sure to check back often to see the changes.

If you go to our website now, you will see that we already have a new look. What you will see is a stepping stone until our fully built site is ready. There are a few new pictures on the portfolio page. We also added a separate page with a link to the blog to make it easy to get to. We are very excited about our new website that is being developed. We hope to provide you with all the information, resources or links to resources you need or want to become the master of your water feature, all on one site.

We are looking forward to a great 2009, and talking with you soon. As always, your feedback is welcome!
