Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  2011 has come and gone in a flash.  At this time last year we already have plenty of snow on the ground, while this year we are still waiting for our first big snowfall.  We had our first batch of babies in our newest pond this summer.  The population grew from 10 to at least 25 (the little guys sure know how to hide in the rocks).  We are maxed out on fish.  The babies are really growing fast.  Our dogs and even the cats love to watch the fish swim around.  As of today, many of the babies are already almost 3 inches long - still not sure which ones are the parents though.  I am sure the babies prefer the warmer water during the summer, but spring will be here soon.  The pond is currently about 1/3 frozen over which is hard to believe for the start of the new year.

Thank you all for a great 2011 and we look forward to talking and working with you in 2012.  Happy New Year!