Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fall Pond Maintenance

With the cooler temperatures coming around, it is time to change your pond maintenance routine a bit to prepare your pond, aquatic plants and fish for the winter. You will want to stop fertilizing your aquatic plants, and begin to monitor your water temperature more closely.

The water temperature is important because it impacts the effectiveness of the water quality/clarity and algae control products you use. Furthermore, your fish are cold blooded and as the temperature drops, their metabolism and ability to digest food decreases.

The water temperatures that you want to be aware depend on the brand of products you use. Those of you using Aquascape products you will want to watch for the following: 40, 50, 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit (F). Other manufacturers likely have similar temperature thresholds, so you will want to refer to the product labels to verify.

The above temperatures are important to save you money and for the health of your fish. Below 65F is when you want to switch to a low protein fish food such as Koi Balance LoTemp. Protein is harder for your fish to digest, so the LoTemp fish food is the recommended choice for feeding below 65F. This can be fed as long as water temps are above 50F. 60F is the temperature when you will want to stop using the regular formula of bacteria (AquaClearer Extreme - liquid or powder), and S.A.B. (String Algae Buster). Below 60F, these products will no longer work as effectively as intended. 40F is important because below that water temperature is when the AquaClearer Extreme Cold Water bacteria is no longer effective. This formula is recommended for use above 40F.

Consider covering your pond and stream with netting to minimize the amount of leaves and other debris getting into the pond. You will want to continue to remove leaves and other organic matter that does get into the pond, as you have done throughout the rest of the season.

Also, as the leaves on aquatic plants begin to yellow and die back, you will want to remove them.

There is still plenty of time to enjoy your ponds before winter sets in, so you do not need to think about shutting your system down for the season yet. However, now is the time to begin thinking about the maintenance items listed above.

This time of year may even be one of the best times of the year to enjoy your pond because the nights are cooler, you can have a fire going on the patio, and the mosquitoes aren't as numerous allowing you to actually be able to sit around for more than five minutes without being driven back inside.

Happy Ponding!!!

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