Monday, October 4, 2010


It's that time of year again to prepare yourself and your pond, stream, waterfall, and other water features for the onset of winter.

As a refresher for those that have winterized their features before, the main things to do are to feed your fish a cold water fish food, switch to a cold water bacteria, cover your pond with netting to keep all the leaves in the neighborhood from getting into your pond, trim your hardy plants back, remove as much organic matter (leaves, sticks, etc. that do get into the pond) as reasonably possible, turn off remove and rinse off the main pump and check-valve assembly, and install a small bubbling pump and de-icer.  Store your (submersible) pump in water for the winter to prevent the seals from drying out and cracking.  We also recommend removing and thoroughly cleaning your filter media for the winter.  It'll be ready to go in the spring.

If you have trouble spot or two of string algae that develops, Ecoblast is a perfect solution - it works as long as the water isn't frozen (most other products are temperature sensitive and are ineffective in cooler/cold water).  First, physically remove what you are able to, then sprinkle the Ecoblast right onto the algae and watch it disappear.  Be sure there is no water circulation in the treatment area for at least 20 minutes to allow it enough time to work.

Remember, the above is just a brief overview of the basics of winterizing your water feature.  For a free downloadable maintenance sheet, visit the Pond Maintenance page on our website or click here.

For specific questions about winterization, or to schedule a time for us to winterize you water feature for you, please contact us at 608-373-7040, or

Be sure to visit our social media sites - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and more.  Links to each of these sites are also on the home page of our website

Have a great fall and winter season.

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